Gadjah Mada Fighting Copter (GMFC) is a sub-team in GAMAFORCE that focuses on Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) vehicles. GMFC has a mission to drop logistics (dropping payload) to a point based on a QR code. The flying vehicle must be able to fly fully autonomously in the mission area and be able to fly according to the given mission.
Team Leader :
1. Burhanudin
(Electronics and Instrumentation -2022)
Mechanics :
1. Novan Bintang Anugerah
(Mechanical Engineering -2021)
2. Agastya Martha Farendy
(Mechanical Engineering -2022)
3. Fadhlan Nur Dzaky
(Mechanical Engineering -2021)
VHC Prog :
1. Burhanudin
(Electronics and Instrumentation -2022)
2. Farel Sijabat
(Electrical Engineering -2022)
3. Khansa Karima Zada
(Instrumentation and Control Engineering -2023)
4. Devan Al Fauzi
(Electronics and Instrumentation -2022)
Electronics :
1. Albi Fauzan Muftihadi
(Electrical Engineering -2022)
2. Bagus Ananta Wijaya
(Electronics and Instrumentation -2023)
Telemetry :
Muhamad ‘Ars Gagah Prakoso
(Electrical Engineering Technology -2023)
Manager :
Nadia Rana Nairunisa
(Industrial Engineering -2023)
Pilot :
Muhammad Salman Al Farisi
(Mechanical Engineering Vocational School -2022)
Media :
Wahidania Inna Y.
(Electrical Engineering -2022)