Rasayana is a Racing Plane subteam at GAMAFORCE which focuses on designing rides with agile, fast, and maneuverable aircraft specifications. This vehicle can be controlled both manually and autonomously with a Flight Controller that has been programmed and integrated into the Ground Control Station (GCS) to perform F.A.T (Fast and On Track) missions or the fastest and on a trajectory that forms a figure of eight. As the main mode of auto take-off mission requirements, Rasayana uses a catapult-type launcher that uses rubber as its main launcher.
Team Leader :
Ikhsan Zaky Asshodiq
(Mechanical Engineering 2022)
Manager :
Adesya Yafi Aristawati
(Physics Engineering 2023)
Mechanics :
1. Adam Ampu Tua Siahaan
(Mechanical Engineering 2022)
2. Raden Muhammad Zaky Rayyadi
(Mechanical Engineering 2022)
Electrician :
1. Jonatan Riverino Nugroho
(Electrical Engineering 2022)
2. Muhammad Ghiyats AR Rahmaniey
(Electrical Engineering 2022)
Telemetry :
Muhammad Zelot Zoha
(Physics Engineering 2022)
Pilot :
Christopher Arif Wibowo
(Electrical Engineering 2023)
Media :
Veronica Tia Ningrum
(Geographic Information System 2022)